Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What now?

The fact that I have avoided blogs because I can't stand the thought of sitting at a computer long enough to post anything should tell you something about how my career as a software developer has been going. Mind-numbing, soul-sucking job after mind-numbing, soul-sucking job. I've worked for some great companies, but I just don't really like computers that much.

I was visiting my family for Thanksgiving, laptop in tow, so I could work remotely on a project that wasn't going well and that I cared nothing about. My niece asked me to color with her. "In a few minutes. I'm working right now."

I was "working" on my resignation email to my boss. I would color as soon as I hit the "send" button. Yeah, that's right. I quit in an email. I know it's lame but it was either that, or continue to suffer in my job for another 6 months because I'm too wimpy to have even a minimally uncomfortable conversation. At least I know my limitations.

My last day came and went last week. I have no job lined up, no idea what I want to do for money, and I don't care. I couldn't stay in that job another day. I can't spend any more time and energy on things that suck the soul right out of me.

I have some ideas of what to do, both short term (make a pie) and long term (move to Durham and buy a duplex). But I am really hoping to rediscover who I am supposed to be when I'm not chained to a computer for 35-50 hours a week.

So far, my biggest accomplishment since I stopped working has been this christmas card.

Sorry if I didn't send you a copy. I'm sure I meant to.