The last several months I have been doing little else besides working on this health food website. I didn't mind, because I've been very excited about it. But I am glad it's done. Or at least done enough to launch it. I still have a list of half a million enhancements and additions I'm thinking of making.
I don't have much more to say about it, except that I LOVE FOODSCOUT and I hope that you do too!
I love foodscout! Now I can reference foodscout instead of emailing you a hundred questions.
Great work and you should be very proud and thank you for sharing all of it with us!
p/s-I just included a promotional post about foodscout on my blog!
I finally got around to revising my Ravenlea's Place website since it was about 2 years out of date. I added a link to foodscout.org in the text. Alas, I don't think anybody much visits Ravenlea's Place any more, but it's there in case anybody happens by.
It's a great website. I'm very proud of you.
I Love You,
Aunt Kathie
Hi Diana,
I love your new site! It's fantastic. I will be making use of it, and I've mentioned it to my wife who is working on a Master's degree in Nutrition. I suggested she could tell her class and professors about the site as well. Hopefully that will get you more exposure.
Wow, you guys are the best! I am so happy everyone likes it so much. We put a lot of thought into how to make it as user-friendly and useful as possible.
This kind of support and positive feedback makes it all worthwhile. Thanks for passing the link around!
Linda tagged me with a blog topic. She tagged Cindy too, so you're the only person I have left. Please consider yourself tagged.
I Love You,
Aunt Kathie
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