I started this blog one year ago today. At that time, I had just quit my job and was exploring the joys of free time, yoga, and art. I had no idea where my life was headed but I was pretty sure it would go in an exciting positive direction. I was totally right.
Since December 27, 2006, a lot has changed in my life. I ditched a new unhealthy relationship and reestablished an old one that has become even more amazing than it was before. I finally left Seattle and moved to a city that seems to have welcomed me whole heartedly. I've improved my diet and physical health almost without even trying. I found a way to use my technology skills on my own terms and for a purpose that matters to me - helping people live healthier lives (foodscout.org will be coming soon).
On the downside, I am more disgusted with the United States government than ever before. I have an internet habit that is really quite out of control and crowding out other activities that I could be engaging in, like art or dancing. I am no longer rolling in money like I used to be when I had a "real job" and so I now find myself paying attention to the price of red bell peppers and bing cherries.
A new year is about to begin. I will be starting it off in New Hampshire, surrounded by strangers, all committed to creating a more honest, kind, respectful America. I hope this year brings me more dancing, more drawing, better posture, and better habits with regard to walking my dog (I don't aim for the stars - it's the day-to-day things that make the biggest impact). I hope to have a flourishing vegetable garden this spring. I hope to find more ways to become a positive force in my local community.
Most importantly, I hope that when I reflect on my life at the end of 2008, I will be stunned by how much better it was then I ever could have imagined. Just like 2007.
Raw food dish of the week - Banana Coconut Ice Cream
I had some left over almond milk that I'd made so I decided to take a second stab at an ice cream recipe. I found this recipe online that looked pretty good. I left out the coffee, added an extra banana, and poured in about a cup of shredded coconut to make it a little thicker. It was definitely better than my first ice cream attempt, but it could still be a little creamier, and a little more flavorful.

Ice cream: Almond milk, bananas, shredded coconut, vanilla, maca powder, well blended, chilled in the freezer for 1 hour, and processed in the ice cream maker.
Topping: "Jungle chocolate" that Aunt Kathie sent for Christmas.

Ice cream: Almond milk, bananas, shredded coconut, vanilla, maca powder, well blended, chilled in the freezer for 1 hour, and processed in the ice cream maker.
Topping: "Jungle chocolate" that Aunt Kathie sent for Christmas.
That ice cream sounds pretty good to me. Isn't that jungle chocolate stuff good?
I have enjoyed journeying with you through your year and I hope you get your wish - I actually have no doubt that you will - that 2008 is even better than 2007.
Have fun in New Hampshire. If you run into Dennis Kucinich while you're campaigning for Ron Paul, tell him he has an ardent fan in New York.
I Love You,
Aunt Kathie
Congrats on one year of blogging, sounds like you had one busy year, and about to have another one.
Good luck
the ice cream sounded good
Jungle chocolate crunchies are right up my kids alley. We had gluten-free pasta tonight-my husband cooked and had no idea! Love it.
Have fun in New Hampshire-looking forward to hearing all about it!
Happy 2008!
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